Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To New Experiences

So I have never blogged before or really had the desire although I do love to look at other blogs so I think this should be fun. Kind of like scrapbooking (which I love) without the mess (which I could totally do without!). My life is far from interesting as I mostly just work and chill out on my own so most of what I blog about will be what I do with the family since I am a crazy picture hound. I'll just post a few pics here and then put the rest on my facebook since there are a ton.

On July 24th the Toyota Speedway had a Kids Against Cancer nascar race and since I work with cancer kids, my unit at the hospital had a bunch of free tickets so Michelle and the kids came down and we went to the races. None of us had been before and it was definitely interesting. Made more interesting by the fact that some of the racers were like 8 years old. Watching them crash was a ton of fun, and we waited with bated breath to see the crash and then see the driver walk away from the rabble.

Waiting for the races to start!!

Lightening McQueen

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