Thursday, August 5, 2010

Here Goes Nothing...

I feel kind of weird being the first one to post, mostly because I have nothing exciting to say, but I will try to entertain.

I am back in Yucca Valley for a little bit at least. I am looking for jobs and cleaning the house and brainwashing Z so that she thinks that I am her favorite-it is almost working!

Mom and Dad came and got me from Idaho and we had some adventures, not many. I got sunburned really bad about the second day that we were hanging out so I couldn't do much, but it was fun. The van was stuffed full. We were really back heavy and if Dad stopped too quick everything would topple down on Doug and me. There was a patch through Vegas that was pretty rough, but we made it. Unloading was much easier than loading was. I am excited to be back!

<>Sorry it is doubled

Doug getting dropped of for OYA
If you look closely you can see Mom in the background shedding a tear or two.
Saying Good-bye (I thought he was going to die)

We went to the museum in Idaho Falls-Wolf to Woof.
Did you know that dogs can hear termites in the walls of your home?

And of course you can't go through Utah without stopping at the Quilted Bear!!
Cute crafts-we were there FOREVER!
Doug didn't even go inside-said it was a traumatic reminder of the past.

A walk by the temple

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