Thursday, April 21, 2011

New puppy

Picture this...Saturday morning, 7:30AM Sleeping peacefully when my door opens, thinking it is just another invite to the swap meet I decide to just ignore the entrance and continue on with my REM cycle...however the mysterious person does not leave. I know it is not my usual Saturady morning visitor because she is not crawling on me and she is not saying very loudly that it is time to get up to go to the swap meet with Paka. Sam is asleep in the bed next to me and she hasn't moved. I decide to hazard a look. I turn around and oh my goodness it is Bre, with a brand new puppy!! Well the dog is 4 months old, does that still make it a puppy?? I think it does. Her name is Brinkley. She is pretty. And she is blind so you can always tell where she is by following the sound of her bumping into things like the wall and chairs and other objects throughout the household. I think we might love her. She is nice, and according to Bre a great lap dog, at the moment. She is supposed to get like 65 pounds or something someday. 

Her face looks so funny because she is just getting feeling back into her feet after sitting crossed leg with the dog and me and Sam. The video following is her kind of laughing off the pain and trying to walk again. Sorry for the side angle. I am still trying to figure out my camera.

She is walking funny, and not just cuz she is pretty pregnant. She cannot feel her little tosies! It was hilarious and a great thing to wake up to on a Saturday morning.

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