Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sea World May 4, 2012

Lots of pics...Most of you were already there so not many words will follow.
 Eleanor just being super cute like she always is.
 Trini and Aslynn were convinced the turtle was stuck.  Luckily he started to move before we finished watching him.
 Barb watching the belugas with a sleeping Eleanor.  Barb was super cute in her new hat!

 Eleanor loved this tortoise.  She would have stayed and played with it all day long if we had let her.
 Ella watching the seals with Uncle Drew and Aunt Kim

 Group shot of the family watching the seals.  We just missed feeding time.

Barbie and Trini
 Doug and Sadie 
 Aslynn and Matthew
 Matthew and Aslynn
 Drew and Kim
 Watching the belugas from above (I think)

 Polar bears-he wasn't very interesting this year...

 Checking out the Atlantis shot before committing to riding the ride.

 No we didn't plan to dress a like, we are just cool like that.

 Trini having a blast rolling down the hill.
 Watching the killer whales.
 I love this with Shamu being what everyone is looking at.  This is my favorite shot from the day!
 The girls were super cute seeing all of the different sea creatures.  They were absolutely fascinated.
 Barbie and Aslynn watching the Shamu show.

 Note to self next time don't sit in the soak zone if you don't want to get wet.  Most of the group didn't move fast enough to avoid the waves...
 Michelle got drenched!
Drew walked away mid picture.  Most everyone got super wet.  Thankfully Barb, Z, and I moved out of the way in enough time to avoid getting soaked.  Michelle, Drew, and Kim I think got it the worst.
It was a great day!!  Thanks everyone for coming out and having fun.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, Stef. In the words of the great Dash, "I LOVE OUR FAMILY!!!" It is such a blessing to have the necessities & luxuries of like so that we can enjoy it like we do. AWESOME!
