Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hope Academy Graduation 2012

 Class of 2012

 Graduation was held outside and the view was amazing!  However the wind was crazy strong.  The graduates had to hold their caps on despite the numerous bobby pins that were placed.
Mom did so much work to get the graduation set up.  It was a huge success and the turn out for the graduates was awesome.  The graduates were all excited  and it went off without a hitch-except for a little issue with the sound right at the beginning. Great job Mom!
Jared did an incredible job as Master of ceremonies.  His speech was very moving.  The growth of the program over the past year was astounding and the successfulness of 30 graduates was incredible.  We are so proud of you Jared for seeing a need that these students had and filling it.  Hope Academy has proven to be a big success and something that the community needed.  Congratulations on a job well done!!

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