Friday, December 23, 2011

Bus Stop

When Eleanor was two weeks old, Hi-Desert Medical Center asked if we would do a photo shoot for the new LDRP brochure.  I was kind of embarrassed but Eleanor and I (and even Luke - by accident when he came to visit me during the shoot..."Oh good!  The father is here!  Why don't we get some pictures of you too!") got dressed in real clothes and took some pictures. 
The new brochure is pretty much a family photo shoot with a doctor and some nurses thrown in there. 

Not only are we in the brochure, but the hospital put us on a few bus stops in the area.  I took a picture of one of them.  No one is ever at this bus stop so that makes me feel a little less embarrassed.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Quick Favor

So I am not 100% sure how many of you check this regularly, but I thought I would post on it anyway with just a little thought/favor to ask of all of you...

I have noticed that lots of great things happen when a big group of people pray so I am now reaching out to all of you guys because you are all pretty much awesome...

So I have a job interview on Wednesday in the morning. It is a job that I kind of really, really want. I would appreciate if you guys could, if you are thinking about it, maybe, say a little prayer for me. I would be really, really grateful.

Thanks for everything! I am pretty sure this is the best family ever! Love you all!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Doug's Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Doug's Eagle Scout Court of Honor

So I noticed in the last post that I was supposed to do Doug's eagle court of honor so here it is. Sorry for the delay. My internet wasn't working then for a while it wouldn't upload any pics so I just threw up my hands and said forget it!

Yes this picture was taken in the chapel. Yes Barbie knew that she was not supposed to take a picture in the chapel. Yes she did it anyway. Obviously.

Doug and the proud parents. Do not blame me for the weird pictures of Dad, Mom, and Doug. I have determined that they cannot produce a normal pose if their lives depended on it.

Two out of three looking at the camera with smiles was a BIG accomplishment.

Doug received his Eagle at the same time as Hunter Prudholm and Joshua and Donald Rios. It was tons of fun!

Hunter, Donald, Josh, and Doug cutting the cake. Such excitement.

A picture of the cake prior to it being cut.

Barbie is so proud of Doug. It brought tears to her eyes.

The newly distinguished Eagle Scouts. We are all so proud of you Doug and all of your hard work to make this happen!! Love ya!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


So I got a new car. It is adorable and I love it. I am super excited about it. Here are some pictures...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

July 4th

I know this is a little late. Sorry. We had a little BBQ for Independence day and it was fun. Here are a few pictures.

Water pinata (How the heck do you spell that?)

Epic sword fight.

Doug throwing matthew into the pool. No worries. he didnt do it.

Delicious strawberries dipped in white choclate and sprinkled with blue sugar. So patriotic!

Here is what the water pinata was like. The kids had fun. I kind of got it exploding. Doug kicked its pants a couple of times. It was quite scary. A lot of fun though. It was Michelle and Trinity's idea. Thanks you guys!

Doug had his Eagle court of honor the other day. Stef has the pictures so she will blog about it (Yep Stef I just passed the buck-Thanks!!)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alsynn Says the Darnest Things - Part One

- "Eleanor eats the boob."

- Today we were pulling into the garage after a shopping excursion.  Aslynn knew that it was about time for her to take a nap (by the way, she never takes a nap anymore; she just quietly reads every book she owns and throws everything on the floor of her room for two hours a day) so she politely informed me, "Mom, I'm not tired."  I replied, "I figured" and we went into the house.  After a little while I told Z that it was time to take a nap.  She broke down into tears and said, "No mom!  You figured!" 

Here are some videos of our eldest daughter:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

That Time of Year Again...Quilted Bear!

Here are some pictures of some cute crafts. Not sure what will be done this year, but if you want to put in an order just write a comment! Hope all is well!

Mom really liked this. It is on a wooden plate. If you guys find a wooden plate somewhere (I'm sure it's on some crafting website or something like that) Let her know. Thanks!

The little heart comes out.

I just thought this was super cute!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cistern 2011

For those of you not in the "know" we get our water from a private well which I think is awesome, but we only had 60 gallons of water on hand at any given time. So we decided (mostly me) that it would be a good idea and investment to install a cistern, which is just a huge cement holding tank The positive is it cuts down on our electric bill, will had years of life to our new well pump, provide constant "city-like" pressure, and provides us with 2400 gallons of emergency water storage. (Yes dad I had them install an emergency switch so we just plug the generator in and it will run the cistern pump, you didn't raise no back-woods boy!)

Kim's dad digging the rather large hole for the cistern to sit in.

The place cistern, before pump, cover and dirt installed.

Lava rock staircase Kim and I worked on to add a little sexy to the yard, and for those that have visited you know our yard is screaming for SEXY!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kim's B-day

Kim's birthday was nice and peaceful, she turned the big 3-0!! We had a lady in the ward that had a 30th Birthday and her husband invited a ton of people and everyone brought a cake, their goal was to have 30 different cakes which we accomplished. I brought this up and Kim shot it down pretty quick. So I made chicken Enchilladas (thanks Stef) and safely purchased a pie to stay on the edible side. when you are married to a pie genius its best not to risk making one homemade.

Kim's family also came over the day before her birthday and we went out for Mexican which was great. They all went yard saling and to the Great Giveaway together. Sadly (yeah right) I had to work, wink!! Kristal and I think Erin got Kim this awesome Igloo, hoping it means more camping in our future! She also got a griddley pan thing-a-magig, some sweet socks, works pants, candy, purse, maybe some other things, my memory sucks so if you are not mentioned know you are loved!!

Kim is still going to physical therapy weekly, starting to think those guys are as worthless as chiropractors but hey it is doing some good. They suggested activities that keep her upper body in constant motion (rowing, boxing, etc.) She went with boxing so I found a good deal on a bag with gloves, wraps and speed mitts. So once I get around to hanging it all will be well in the world.....

Last but definitely not least Kim has been using one of Jared's old computers for 5+ years, he was surprised she was still using it. So she got a new one hopefully with enough do-hickies to make her happy. I am pretty sure I will be hearing that stagnant Cricuit cutting any day now....

Love you guys have a few more posts but getting lazy have to go backpacking overnight with the scouts tonight. So I will save the others for later. Have some home advances we are going to post and of course the REAL Mecham garden, trying to decide if I should do one post to show the garden start to finish or do it piece meal. LUCK!

Summer Update!!! Sorry!!!

Here is a pic of our neighbors shop, yeah it's burning. Three doors down from us. Kim and I come to find out we are not in a fire district so no one comes when something starts burning. Kim let me know my random yard fires are out until the winter!!

Had to post this fashion NO-NO, never a tie with a polo, luckily Matthew pulls it off with his cold sexy stare!!!! (Hopefully he grows out of this style before he starts to date, unless of course the idea is to keep him from dating, wink!!)

Thought I would give a Deek update, he is still alive, what more need I say. He loves Oregon of course he like the Holliday's house much better than ours, hopefully once we throw grass down he will settle in and possibly stop digging holes. This is a pic when kim first got him.

Almost four years later and kim still complains he doesn't eat enough, of course she is dying for him to fill out and when I try to compensate she gets mad. I mean whats wrong with me doing the filling out.....

I am sure you all knew Becca And jamison got married, but here is a picture of the apple pie Kim made as their wedding cake. Yeah those are little hearts around the edges, yeah I am one lucky guy!!!

No one may care but my Blazer shredded its driveshaft a few months ago, yeah too much engine for too little driveshaft. Finally saved the money and purchased a new one. Installed on my own and yeah it actually drives.

We didn't take alot of July 4th pics, but here's one. We went camping with Mark, Kristal and their daughter Kara for my birthday then went to a park and played bocce ball for the 4th, had pizza and watched the fireworks!!

Our newest toy, hoping one of these days I will touch a nerve and get someone excited enough to visit us, wink!!! Kim says a bought might do the trick but will have to wait til next summer, any takers???????????

Kim made me a delicious ice cream cake for my birthday. Her best yet!!!! Sadly there are so many candles on it the ice cream was melting by the time I put the fire out. Mom you will be happy to know everyone that tastes your recipe is a new convert!! Mark loved it!!

We camped on the day of my birthday, so made a dutch oven cherry/peach cobbler. Again we had problems with the candles, the problem this time is the cobbler was so hot the candles melted right into it. But it was delicious and we were able to use our dutch oven (thanks mom and dad) for the first time. We made some good dinner rolls and stew, all superb. We had a blast!! Kara thouroughly enjoyed the camping but was not happy about being trapped in a
tent at night, so Mark and Kristal had the awesome experience of sleeping in the cab of their truck. On a happy note Kim got kara a tent of her own and plays in it all the time so I think she is over the tent scare. I only tell this story to show how much our youngest OREGON niece is SPOILED!! (Luke-Bre hope you are catching what I am throwing down!!!)

Kim as usual spoiled me for my birthday with some tools, gun stuff, BROWN courdroy jacket and candy!! This will be the last year for that, we have learned any house no matter how big or small is a money pit cause there is always something you want to change or upgrade!!

My last gift was a torch set so I can be a man's man and our trailer needs a fixin' hint, hint DAD!