Friday, August 19, 2011

Kim's B-day

Kim's birthday was nice and peaceful, she turned the big 3-0!! We had a lady in the ward that had a 30th Birthday and her husband invited a ton of people and everyone brought a cake, their goal was to have 30 different cakes which we accomplished. I brought this up and Kim shot it down pretty quick. So I made chicken Enchilladas (thanks Stef) and safely purchased a pie to stay on the edible side. when you are married to a pie genius its best not to risk making one homemade.

Kim's family also came over the day before her birthday and we went out for Mexican which was great. They all went yard saling and to the Great Giveaway together. Sadly (yeah right) I had to work, wink!! Kristal and I think Erin got Kim this awesome Igloo, hoping it means more camping in our future! She also got a griddley pan thing-a-magig, some sweet socks, works pants, candy, purse, maybe some other things, my memory sucks so if you are not mentioned know you are loved!!

Kim is still going to physical therapy weekly, starting to think those guys are as worthless as chiropractors but hey it is doing some good. They suggested activities that keep her upper body in constant motion (rowing, boxing, etc.) She went with boxing so I found a good deal on a bag with gloves, wraps and speed mitts. So once I get around to hanging it all will be well in the world.....

Last but definitely not least Kim has been using one of Jared's old computers for 5+ years, he was surprised she was still using it. So she got a new one hopefully with enough do-hickies to make her happy. I am pretty sure I will be hearing that stagnant Cricuit cutting any day now....

Love you guys have a few more posts but getting lazy have to go backpacking overnight with the scouts tonight. So I will save the others for later. Have some home advances we are going to post and of course the REAL Mecham garden, trying to decide if I should do one post to show the garden start to finish or do it piece meal. LUCK!

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