Sunday, October 31, 2010

Catching up

So I haven't been blogging, because Bre tells me that I have the old version of the blog thingy and it takes forever, loads the pics in random spots and it never ceases to annoy and frustrate me so I have to really prep myself for it. But I had some pics that were cute so I thought I would give you all a update. Nothing much changes in my life-same old same old. I did have a lot of fun for Halloween this year since we went to a Church dance on a boat that sailed around the San Diego Harbor (not that great, but it was different) and I got to dress up. I had a ton of fun with my costume!!

Barbie and I on the boat. It was a beautiful night!

My Halloween costume. I had so much fun putting it together and trying to find different accent pieces. All I was missing was the spiderweb tattoo...

This is the gang of us that went to the boat dance. The dance was fun (or at least as fun as church dances are) the down side was that it was on a boat so that when we were all ready to leave at 1245 or so we still had to hang around for another hour and a half...not so great.

Barbie posing in her hot Batman/girl costume. She said Batman, but since there was no cross dressing allowed at the dance when people asked she was batgirl.

Barb and I again. I had sprayed my hair with black hairspray for my costume-something I will NEVER do again. It really completed my costume I think, but it was so messy. Everytime I touched my head black stuff would come off. It stained my fingernails for days and I will not even mention the disaster my bathroom is. Had I been smart I would have started the spraying outside, but unfortunately they don't put that on the bottle under directions and you can't see any of the black...until it gets wet. Just thinking of the disaster I have to clean in my bathroom is making me groan. Plus there were 7 people in my apartment this weekend all using the shower and bathroom so now there are footprints and handprints ALL over the place. I really hope the costume looked good...

Luke, Breanna, Z, Barbie and Mom all came down to Yucaipa to shop and look at my dream house (only a dream cause it is way outta my price range). On our way back from lunch we saw a sign for a pumpkin patch with pony rides so we stopped so Z could ride a pony (which she loved) and go to the petting zoo (which she was not such a fan of). This is Bre, Z, and Luke.

Z riding the pony. She was so cute up there on the pony and didn't even cry when the strange man buckled her in although her face did look a little disconcerted that her family would just hand her over to a stranger when they were all right there. She REALLY loved the pony.

Stefanie and Z in a pumpkin cut out (obviously)

Luke, Breanna, Z, Barbie, and Mom at my new fav restuarant Soup Plantation (or something about tomatoes if you are in Oregon). We had some fun picture time there. LOVE their chicken noodle soup-although Dad's is still better (hint hint dad about what I would like for dinner this weekend:))

So Z LOVES Paka (not sure how to spell it since it is a word she made up) and if he is outside working then she wants to be outside to. I took her outside on Saturday morning and she wanted to swing in the swing all by her little big girl self. I had a few nerve wracking moments as she likes to look at her shadow when she swings and I was certain that she was going to overbalance and fall right out of the swing (which brings up some rather poignant memories of when I lived in Victorville with Jared and Michelle and Sadie was swinging and face planted in the dirt and then a few days later Trini did almost the exact same thing-I was hoping to avoid that situation with Z). Thankfully she did surprisingly well with her center of balance.
I am just waiting for Drew and Kim to find time in their crazy schedules to post more pics of the house not that it is officially theirs... I am so excited for you guys!!

I love all of you and hope things are going well!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Stef, I am so so sorry about the BLACK hairspray, been there done that!!! I'm groaning and crying for you.. When you think you have it all cleaned up spots just keep appearing for weeks. Ooooh! Halloween memories! From what I can see your costume looked great!
    I still remember digging sand out of Sadie's mouth and nose, and the huge fat lip that lasted for days. Glad you were there to help. :)
