Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Kim will be starting to work in John Day twice a month this next week. A blessing in that she has a job but other than that no blessing at all, she is not looking forward to the drive or the trouble I will probably get in while she is away. (Honestly the trouble is only to show how much I miss her, and need her around!!!) Two weeks ago she went to John Day to have a practice run, and to refresh her memory how much she "loves" the drive. While there she canned peaches and pears, which she informed me is not really worth the work, but loved the time spent with her mother. (They did a ton, not literally, but it was ALOT!) She also went to her Grandma H's to learn a new loop design thingy for doing the outside of baby blankets, she is enjoying it, plus it gives her something to do when we go on trips.

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