Tuesday, September 21, 2010

J/K Spokane Trip 2010

Kim and I went to Spokane for a friend's wedding this past weekend. So after the wedding we had plans to hit Idaho and Silverwood (Amusement Park). As you can tell it was wet, and once we got there it was REALLY wet. Needless to say it was a nice drive, but there was no getting out, (though we did find time to hit a Wal-Mart down the road, go figure.)

So on our way home we were trying to come up with something to not make the trip too much of a waste, (wedding aside). So there was a new Cabela's in Post Falls, ID so we stopped in. After doing a little Christmas shopping and eating our fill of cinnamon sugar Pecans and Cashews we left. Of course from the pics. you can tell a Cabela's is soo much more than a hunting/outdoors store. They had arcade hunting games all over, a diner you could order all kinds of animals from, and a ton of stuffed animals. They had an African exhibit, a ton of fish and a mountain built right in the middle of the store with a waterfall and pond (filled with real fish of course). So Kim enjoyed going around and snapping pics of all the animals, I just posted a couple pics, cause there were ALOT more.

Musk Ox

Grizzly Bears fighting over dinner (or a Caribou if you will).

Killer African display, had a Rhino and all kinds of goat type animals. Of course the Lion was sitting over it's kill (Zebra).

Were not able to do a session, oddly the temple is closed Sunday and Monday my days off, but hey we made the time to stop by and check it out!

Spokane has a huge garden place, with trails for walking yadda yadda, place to visit and take pictures, it was pretty cool. Of course we did learn here it would be good to have friends that could take pictures of us, instead of finding ingenious ways to take pictures on our own. They had huge bushes made into arches (above) you walked through 3 or 4 of them to get in to the garden, pretty neat.

From a Gazebo, can't see out into the garden area but use your imagination, it was cool!!

This is the opposite end of the garden, to the far back is the gazebo! This it what you are suppose to be imagining in the previous picture, TA DA!!!!!

On the way home we got a chance to see some big horn sheep off to the side of the road, and yes they are real. Of course I was torn between, admiring the awesomeNESS of seeing them in the wild and the desire to bring one down with a well placed rock!! (Hey, I live in Oregon it's what we do here!!!)

There were about 20 in the bunch we saw, only about 40-50 yards away from the highway, totally not scared, I even honked our horn to test 'em. Good info to know cause if I every do draw a Big Horn Sheep tag (once in a lifetime) I know where I am going!!!!
And just in case any one has NOT heard yet, kim and I put an offer in on a house, nothing more to report just yet. Just so no one can say they hadn't heard yet!!! Read the blog that's all I can say, more to report LATER!!!!

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