Monday, August 16, 2010

Short lived Derby 2010

The Derby was great this year, a smidge short if you ask me, but that could just be from my driver's point of view. Needless to say I was in and out, and stayed out. We had alot of fun working on the beauty and getting her ready, learned alot and ready for next year. Hoping to get a little more family participation in the future.

Everyone worked hard and had a good time changing her from baby blue to safety yellow, sadly this color just made it easier to spot me out in the middle of the ring smoking, but obviously not like a rocket cause I was NOT moving!! Yeah and you may notice the lack of a helmet, well lets just say I gave so hard it knocked my helmet off, luckily it was really only for show cause we all know there is not enough on top of that thick neck to warrant a helmet.

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