Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trinity, Matthew and Sadie's First Day of School

The first day of school is always so exciting! (so exciting that I can't tell if Matthew is yawning or telling me to hurry and take the picture.) :)

Trinity loves her new glasses. They came in just in time for her to start her first day of second grade with glasses. She was so excited to get them we went down early Monday morning before school to pick them up.

Trinity is very cute in her new glasses!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Random Family Sunday FUN

This is from the last couple of Sundays in random order since the whole blog thing is still not working the way I would think it would! Hopefully it works this time without all the weird spaces and stuff!

The family all got together with the Hollidays to celebrate Matthew's birthday.

Matthew in the center of all his fun gifts!

Matthew posing with his gifts from Nana and Papa

Blowing out the candeles for big number 9!

Thoughtfully reading his birthday card!

Paka and Z playing some tunes!

I LOVE this pic!

For Matthew's birthday we played drop the clothespins in the jar. Aslynn did it with her mouth. So talented. You won't see a pic of me doing this (I was behind the camera) but I won with 7 dropped in!

Go Michelle go!

Aunt Becca's turn!
Grandma Goodie got in on the action.

Grandma Kathy took a turn by using the one eyed squint.
Becca's friend Carrie wanted in on the action (or we made everyone take a turn...)

Barbie put her whole body into it.

Breanna stepped up
Luke tried a couple of different methods! And yes this connection of clothespins did make it into the jar!

From the nose!

Doug tried the more is better idea.

Matthew with utmost concentration went first to show us how it was done.

Sadie taking a turn after she did an AMAZING job on her talk in Stake Conference. I was so impressed by her composure and her ability to get up there in front of a VERY crowded room! Great Job Sadie!

Sadie using Aslynn as a prop for her Superman charade.

Bre leading us all in a game of charades.

Z and Grandma playing the Chinese tile game.

Z found a Barbie doll brush and then went around brushing everyone's hair as we were preparing to sing our weekly song.
Z and T getting in some snuggling time.

Bre made Snicker salad for dinner (finally a "salad" that I can wrap my head around :)) and then Z went crazy on all the left overs!

The girls checking out Barb's pics from the Quilted Bear. Still trying to decide all the fun stuff we are going to make this winter!! Love the painting!

Z using the handle of the fireplace as her microphone as she belts out her tunes.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quilted Bear

So I thought it would be fair to share the plans that we have made for making crafts from the Quilted Bear. Since basically everyone has seen these pictures except for Drew and Kim it is probably more for their benefit than for anyone elses. Dad is getting ready to start making the little projects so if you want one of them then just give a shout out and let us know which one it is. There are more pictures, but these are the ones that we are fairly certain that we will be doing. And to just get some kind of a tally going could everyone let us know which ones you want. Thanks!!

This is a maybe project....

This is the only one that I could find. A santa makes the other A.
I am trying to convince Dad to do it...

This one isn't a for sure one either, but I thought it was cute and I want it so I thought I would offer it.

This is Bre's request... It is cute...

Another one that is not for sure, but I think it is cute so I am going to do it at some point.

Sorry it is sideways-The tree is metal and the little snowflakes have magnets on them.
Once again I think it is cute, and am trying to get Dad to go for it.

Okay I think that that is it. Remember to comment if you want any of the above crafts. Maybe we could do a crafty Christmas kind of thing. It is going to be a blast!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kim's Last Birthday 29 for LIFE!!!!

We had a lovely Birthday for Kim, two sisters and her mother came for a weekend visit. They spent time shopping and having fun and were nice enough to include me in some great dinners, plus I got to see my newest niece (who is quickly becoming a favorite, sorry Aslynn distance breads forgetfulness, wink).
Kim's mom made a beautiful pie!!

Yep 3 years and counting, the love is still blooming nicely!!

Just a few recap pictures of her presents, she was excited (I think). Had to open the ice cream machine for the Fourth of July festivities so she knew about it but the good thing is it works!

Hanging flowers, Kim has wanted for... um... EVER, yeah her mom got her these, so I am not perfect, but I did hang them. And after shattering one of the baskets (may fault), Kim even got a new set of metal ones she picked out. Personally I think it was planned but hey I can only say one day for so long, cause before you know it that one day is TODAY!!!
Kim totally wanted this of course I may have also kinda-sotra, possibly, may have wanted it a little itsy-bitsy bit. But it will be great fun for the family, plus it is black, how sweet is that. And to my credit I did get a pink controller for my lovely wife, so I did have her in mind when I purchased this item, thank you very much!!!!!!!

Looking forward to many more years and the challenge of pleasing my beautiful wife!!!!!!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To New Experiences

So I have never blogged before or really had the desire although I do love to look at other blogs so I think this should be fun. Kind of like scrapbooking (which I love) without the mess (which I could totally do without!). My life is far from interesting as I mostly just work and chill out on my own so most of what I blog about will be what I do with the family since I am a crazy picture hound. I'll just post a few pics here and then put the rest on my facebook since there are a ton.

On July 24th the Toyota Speedway had a Kids Against Cancer nascar race and since I work with cancer kids, my unit at the hospital had a bunch of free tickets so Michelle and the kids came down and we went to the races. None of us had been before and it was definitely interesting. Made more interesting by the fact that some of the racers were like 8 years old. Watching them crash was a ton of fun, and we waited with bated breath to see the crash and then see the driver walk away from the rabble.

Waiting for the races to start!!

Lightening McQueen