Thursday, April 21, 2011

New puppy

Picture this...Saturday morning, 7:30AM Sleeping peacefully when my door opens, thinking it is just another invite to the swap meet I decide to just ignore the entrance and continue on with my REM cycle...however the mysterious person does not leave. I know it is not my usual Saturady morning visitor because she is not crawling on me and she is not saying very loudly that it is time to get up to go to the swap meet with Paka. Sam is asleep in the bed next to me and she hasn't moved. I decide to hazard a look. I turn around and oh my goodness it is Bre, with a brand new puppy!! Well the dog is 4 months old, does that still make it a puppy?? I think it does. Her name is Brinkley. She is pretty. And she is blind so you can always tell where she is by following the sound of her bumping into things like the wall and chairs and other objects throughout the household. I think we might love her. She is nice, and according to Bre a great lap dog, at the moment. She is supposed to get like 65 pounds or something someday. 

Her face looks so funny because she is just getting feeling back into her feet after sitting crossed leg with the dog and me and Sam. The video following is her kind of laughing off the pain and trying to walk again. Sorry for the side angle. I am still trying to figure out my camera.

She is walking funny, and not just cuz she is pretty pregnant. She cannot feel her little tosies! It was hilarious and a great thing to wake up to on a Saturday morning.

Hair-Oh how I love thee...

Ok so I cut my hair!! I LOVE IT!!! It is the most amazing thing since like sliced bread or something along those lines. I mean seriously this is how I do my hair: shower, put moose in it, blow dry and if I am feeling up to it put a few little curls in it, but if not I just wear it freshly blowed. I mean it takes me minutes to do it. And I look pretty good too. Plus I love short hair, mainly cuz I am just not that creative in doing my hair when it is long. It is best for me to only have the option of like two hair dos. It makes my life easier and much less stressful. The following are on a curly day. It is my favorite way to do it.
Oh and my best friend Sam came and visited me for a week, it was entirely too short of time, but I had a blast!!!

A picture of the back, and a sweet tat. Don't you worry-it was only temporary.

To sum up...
Me+short hair= super happy and super ready for the summer to come!

Future Beauty Queen

This is what happens when you are trying to get ready in the morning and you are watching Z at the same time (and yes I obviously use the word "watch" very loosely).

Isn't she so cute? The unfortunate side of this story is that the mascara was waterproof. Doug had to hold her arms while I scrubbed it off. She was a trooper and didn't ever cry. She just wanted to help a little too much.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pinewood Derby

This year anyone who bought a car could participate in the Pinewood Derby.
Though it never got its final paint job, Luke's car looked very snazzy and was actually pretty fast. He didn't win...the Nelsons kicked everybody's butt. 

Even though we bought our cars weeks in advance, I never got around to making mine. Barbie and her BFF Sam did it for me...10 minutes before the Derby started.

They call it "The Baby-Maker". We didn't bother telling people that though because my car is kind of graphic.

*Note the "baby" on the front. The ping-pong ball represented my belly. The glitter was supposed to be the celebration that happens after having a baby.*

*Red sides = blood.*

*Bobby pin and blue paint represented my epidural (or my water being broken, depending on who you talk to).*

*Screws over my initials = I got "screwed."*

See?  I told you it was graphic.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

General Conference-What we learned

     We were insrtucted in every way, and if we didn't do what she wanted she let us know!    

 Praying. Always a willing pray-er.
 Grandpa coming in on our Follow the Prophet party. He is dancing.
Singing with her whole heart.

What we learned-FOLLOW THE PROPHET!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Doug, I am sorry you could not take Jared's car, of course Jordan wouldn't have fit in the back, plus I recall a time I let Luke drive the Civic to Palm Springs, yeah I think all were better off with you in the van. Thought I would throw a pic up to show dad what he is missing. Kim took this pic of my awesome work, yeah that is a tree I rammed and brought down, a tractor is so much more fun when it is just a rental. Can't tell if I am looking to make sure I do not hit our fence or if this is where I had the beast buried up to both axles right before the valve stem snapped off creating a puddle of tire water under the tractor. Sadly I was only able to get 2 hours of work in before the tire was deflated. On the positive side of things I get the tractor next weekend for free to make up for the loss, SWEET!!!!!
Doug's LDS Prom

So Doug and Jordan went to the LDS prom held in Murrieta this year. Yes they had dates, no there are no pics of the dates yet because they had to pick them up in Palm Springs. They were both probably relieved by this since Barb and I went a little picture crazy! That is what sisters are for.

Jordan and Doug in their handsome thinking man pose.

I love this picture with the tree. Doug was a little hesitant to lean up against the tree and smudge his suit, but the pic was worth it and the little bit of dirt brushed off easily.
Model pose

Mom and Barbie doing a final brush down. Walking in a black suit in a house that has cats is no simple feat.

Barbie fixing Doug's collar and Doug patiently dealing with more prodding.

Thanks Michelle for sewing the buttons on to Doug's pants!! The suspenders looked awesome. The button holes on the suspenders were a little tight though so it took some manipulating to get them in. Then we realized the suspenders were on backwards so we had to switch them around and go through the process again!

Such concentration!

Barbie teaching Doug how to have a crisply ironed shirt.

Just love the looks on Dad and Doug's faces. Not sure what had happened but they obviously were not in agreement with what we had said...

Gotta love Dad! Love the hot dog up the nose. And yes he did finish eating it afterwards.

Barbie doing Doug's hair. If you can tell from the other pics there is not much hair left to do, but that didn't keep Barbie from working on it for 20 minutes. It looked very dashing in the end!

Oh wait there is a hair out of place-Must fix now!

The model men with Jared's Camero. Notice that they didn't request a picture to be taken with the van that they actually drove in.

Love this pic! Even with the shadows on his face it is great!

Doug is still asleep but I will have him post what happened at prom when he wakes up. Our little brother is growing up (wiping imaginary tear away).