Friday, February 25, 2011

Aslynn's Birthday

I thought I would put up some pictures of Aslynn's birthday party at Grandma and Pakka's house.  Stefanie took all of these pictures.  

 *Checkin' out the goods.*

*Finishing off the night snuggling with Pakka and watching "Ariel."*

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snow in Yucca

We woke up and there was snow. Well to be honest I drove home in the snow at night, but that is because I am a party animal and stay up to unnatural times. Here are some pictures of the snow from the morning.

I know that there isn't as much snow as some other places, but I got excited. Don't get all crazy.

Marine Corps Ball

So I went to the Marine Corps Ball. It was great. It was in Las Vegas. I went over there and spent some time with Krisitn Carter. She did my hair and got me all pretty. Here are some pictures.

Gotta love a man in uniform. There were some pretty good looking guys...The Navy uniforms were the cutest. I kinda liked them.